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How to Obtain: Each and every person doing business in the Town as a peddler, solicitor, or transient vendor shall file with the Clerk's office, on a form to be provided for that purpose, a statement setting forth the following information:

    1. The name and address of the individual filing the statement.
    2. The name and address of the principal or employer, if the individual is an agent or employee.
    3. Area where peddling, soliciting or vending will occur.
    4. A description of the individual filing the statement, including height, age, and distinguishing characteristics, if any.
    5. The goods to be sold or offered for sale, or the type of services to be rendered.
    6. The period of time during which the business will be carried on in the town.
    7. A description of the automobile or other vehicle to be used in the business, including the make, model, body style, color and license number.
There is a $25 fee required for each badge for peddlers and solicitors, and a $100 fee required for each badge for a transient vendor.  The badge is valid for a 30-day period.

Please visit: 
Town Hall
333 N. Main Street
China Grove, NC 28023